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Types of Pegboard

Writer: adminadmin

Updated: Feb 12

Hi there, thank you for visiting our website.

We have several types of pegboard. Please refer below. Contact us for more details.

Standard hardboard pegboard

(available in standard sizes and we can also cut to size, suitable for tools storage, sample boards, events, cabinetry etc. , hooks also available)

Premium birch plywood pegboard

(customized and made to order, suitable for home interior design, bike racks etc.)

Metal pegboard

(customized and made to order, suitable for tougher usage)

Customized pegboard cabinetry

(customized and made to order)

For more info, please do contact us for more details.



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Pegbod supplies and sells pegboard (a.k.a perforated hardboard) in Malaysia. We ship nationwide!

Pegbod menjual dan membekal pegboard di Malaysia.  Kami membuat penghantaran seluruh Malaysia.

SSM Reg. : Mod Retail PLT LLP0010202-LGN

Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

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Pegboard photo courtesy of

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